
I admit

For all these years, I have been storing 'ARTS'. However, does anybody tell me how to collect these images without stealing ?
My old MySpace friend said to me, "No one Has nor Owns Arts. No one!"
There is something in my mind which against accept their asking. ' Cookies'.

If I have to pay some money for use these images, maybe I accept to pay for my art blogs. And yes, they may have a right for asking for paying. But I cant help wonder if they have a right of collect and keep and use my private taste or styles ?

In Japan, I can hardly find ' Art blogs' like Tumblr or those who I 'm following on blogger or wordpress etc... Because they think it is crime, thief, with no permissions or having no rights for these paintings/ photographs at all.
My old Myspace friend dolorosa, she has around 80 thousands of followers on Facebook. I'm also wondering how to get all those images? did she accept them ?

And how about you? how to get images ? 

上記、Tumblr に拙い英文で投稿した「疑問」を再掲します。



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